The clock is ticking, and hesitancy in climate solution investments will cause further shortcomings of high-quality carbon removal projects

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Photo: Unsplash

As concerns about climate change escalate, the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) has emerged as a key tool to channel much needed private capital into climate solutions. Initially dominated by carbon avoidance projects, the focus is now shifting towards nature-based or tech-driven Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) projects. Removal projects require much higher upfront investments compared to avoidance projects due to the major efforts it takes to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere. What is more, these projects take years to show a first return in the form of verified carbon credits. 

Afforestation projects, for example, require a lot of time and money to plant, nurture and grow the trees, to monitor and verify the climate impact and to issue and certify the related carbon credits. Similarly, procuring and installing machinery for the production of biochar or for direct air capture involves considerable upfront costs and time flexibility.

These financial obstacles and the delay between investment and tangible results are major roadblocks for the deployment of upfront investment in the VCM, leading to a future shortage of removal projects. Additionally, as with any investment, the longer the time between an investment and its returns, the higher the risk of failure along the way, too. In a climate of uncertainty, companies and investors are hesitant to invest substantial funds into projects as they are unsure about the returns on their investments.

Understanding the hesitancy of the investors, Callirius offers accessible, transparent and tailored financial products to bridge this gap and channel more private capital into nature-based carbon removal projects:

  • The fund solution bundles a diversified portfolio of high-quality carbon projects into a closed-end investment fund. This approach allows for additional risk mitigation through diversification and co-investment while ensuring the highest effectiveness and positive impact through Callirius’ rigorous impact and financial due diligence.
  • Offtake agreements, whether long or short term, allow companies and investors to secure immediate access to future removal credits. This is achieved by either prepaying the carbon credits of several upcoming years partially or fully today, or by committing to purchase them at a predetermined price once delivered. This provides project developers with the liquidity needed to manage the project costs, or the security needed for easier access to funding today.
  • Tailormade financing solutions allow corporates and financial investors to provide financing directly to carefully selected projects for long-term project engagement.

In conclusion, the changing dynamics of the VCM highlight the need to adapt financial strategies to evolving and future challenges. Callirius’ innovative and tailored financial products not only meet these financial challenges by minimizing and distributing risk, developing products that are investable for the private sector. They also ensure a sustainable and diversified path for environmental and social justice.

Join us in this journey towards a liquid, effective and impactful Voluntary Carbon Market. Together, we can make a significant difference in mitigating climate change.

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